2025 Timetable
Please note: Timetable changes may take up to an hour to display after update.
This is a draft timetable and is subject to change.
Please note: Timetable changes may take up to an hour to display after update.
This is a draft timetable and is subject to change.
Selected Units
Advanced Communications
Advanced Communications
Advanced Communications
Advanced Communications
Venues in this timetable
ENCM: [ 151] Lecture Room
ENCM: [ 245] Lecture Room
MATH: [ 152] Monadelphous EECE Lab
Unit Search
Teaching Period
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Please note: All timetable data is currently in draft format and subject to change. The final timetable will be available in December 2024.
Warning: Activities in your timetable are scheduled for Good Friday or Easter Monday. As these are University Holidays, no activities will take place on these dates. Please select Easter from the week view list to see the affected activities.
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- Laboratory
- Lecture_Tutorial
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| ELEC5501 (SEM-2) Lecture_Tutorial ENCM: [ 151] Wks 30-35, 37-42
ELEC5501_SEM-2_CR - Lecture_Tutorial Venue: ENCM: [ 151] (Weeks 30-35,37-42) Day: Wednesday 11:00 - 13:00 |
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ELEC5501 (SEM-2) | Laboratory | Lab-01/01 | Monday | 13:00 - 16:00 | MATH: [ 152] | Wks 35, 38 |
ELEC5501 (SEM-2) | Laboratory | Lab-01/03 | Tuesday | 09:00 - 12:00 | MATH: [ 152] | Wks 35, 38 |
ELEC5501 (SEM-2) | Laboratory | Lab-01/02 | Tuesday | 14:00 - 17:00 | MATH: [ 152] | Wks 35, 38 |
ELEC5501 (SEM-2) | Lecture_Tutorial | LecTut-01/01 | Wednesday | 11:00 - 13:00 | ENCM: [ 151] | Wks 30-35, 37-42 |
ELEC5501 (SEM-2) | Lecture_Tutorial | LecTut-02/01 | Thursday | 10:00 - 12:00 | ENCM: [ 245] | Wks 30-35, 37-42 |